Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Gratitude, Congratulation, and Compliment

Gratitude is an expression that we show or say to express grateful feeling to other people. When speaking English, you say “thanks” very often. Please say “thank you” when people give you something, help you do something, wish you something and give you a compliment etc.

For Example : 

    Thank you for your . . .
    I’m really grateful to you
    Much obliged
    Thanks a lot for everything
    My heart felt thanks to . . .
    You have my gratitude

    The response of gratitude :
    You’re welcome
    My pleasure
    No problem
    Don’t mention it 

    Congratulation is an expression that we use to give the congratulation we, he/she successful doing something.

    Some expressions of congratulations:
    ·      Congratulations!
    ·      Congratulations on your success!
    ·      I must congratulate you.
    ·      Congrats! Finally, your dream comes true!
    ·      Please accept my warmest congratulations.
    ·      I’d like to be the first to congratulate you.

    Expression of congratulations in special events:
    ·      Happy birthday!
    ·      Happy Lebaran Day/Happy led!
    ·      Merry Christmas!
    ·      Happy New Year!
    ·      Happy Valentine!
    ·      Happy anniversary!
    This is means of Compliment :

    Compliment is an expression that we show or say to express/give praise. Some people use compliments to “butter up” somebody or to flatter in order to increase good will.

    Can you mention the example ? 
    OK i will tell it for you all :
    Usually when give compliment you give your thumb for what you see :
    Example : 
    Some expressions of compliment:
    ·       What a nice dress!
    ·       You look great.
    ·       You look very nice/beautiful/handsome.
    ·       I really must express my admiration for your dance.
    ·       Good grades!
    ·       Excellent!
    ·       Nice work!
    ·       Good job!

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