Kamis, 29 Desember 2011


~ Greeting is the expression which used to address someone or other people.
~ Greeting adalah bagaimana cara kita menyapa atau menyambut seseorang.

o    How do you greet other people ?

-       Good morning/afternoon/evening/night/nite
-       How’s it going ?
-       How are you ?
-       How are you getting along ?
-       How’s life?
-       How are you doing ?

o    How do you introduce yourself ?
-       Let me introduce my self, my name is Lia
-       Hi, I’m Nurapni. You can call me Ani
-       Hello, I’m Kim Hyun Joong

o    How do you introduce other people ?
-       I would like to introduce UutPermata
-       I would like you to meet farah
-       Excuse me, let me introduce you a new friend his name is Raffael
-       Tia this is Elsa

o    How do you close or end your conversation ?
-       Well, I should be going now, see you!
-       Well, I must be off now. I’ll talk to you
-       I’m sorry, but I have to go now
-       It’s been nice talking with you, see you later !
>> Example :

Delima           : Morning, Mrs Debby
Mrs. Debby    : Morning, Delima. How are you?
Delima           : I’m fine, and Mrs?
Mrs. Debby    : Fine too. Well, I must teach again in classroom, see you Delima.
Delima           : Okay, Mrs. See you too. Bye-bye

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